Quilted Lullabies

Log cabin quilt block

Log Cabin Quilt Block – Summer Moon

Well, this quilt block will be nice and simple. Just follow the instructions in the book for the log cabin quilt block and it will turn out great.


Yep, you read that right. No, tips, simplifying, or alterations are needed in order for this block to turn out amazing.


So I thought I would take this opportunity to talk to you about the book Summer Moon.

Summer Moon Block of the Month Book by Carrie Nelson

The Summer Moon book is an eye-opening reference tool. There are two things this book does that the quilt books I have seen don’t.


The first thing it is great for is altering the size of quilt blocks. It won’t show you how to increase the size of the block instructions itself. Instead, it shows you how to easily increase the size of the quilt block without altering the block pattern.


Let’s say you want to increase the size of a 6 1/2” quilt block to an 8 1/2” block. This book will show you how you can do that but still follow the block instructions for the 8 1/2” quilt block.

Summer Moon

Another great purpose for this quilt book is for those orphan quilt blocks. If you have a lot of them and in different sizes. This book has a layout that would accommodate the various sizes of quilt blocks.


If you don’t like quilt math this book is only useful for block sizes 8 1/2” or smaller. However, if you are comfortable with some quilt math you can easily use the book as a guide for making an amazing orphan block quilt.

What’s an orphan block?

An orphan block is a quilt block that was never added to the final quilt it was intended for.


Usually, this happens when you are trying to make as many of a particular quilt block as you can. Not really caring about how many you need but instead making as many as possible. Once you have all your blocks done and you are laying out the quilt you find you have made one too many quilt blocks. This is how and what an orphan block is.


Have you seen a quilt book like the Summer Moon book? Would you buy this book as a reference tool or would you only purchase it because you want to make the quilt? Let me know in the comments below.


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