Quilted Lullabies

Darling Quilt Block 1

Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along: Darling Quilt Block

Darling Quilt Block

The Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along is officially over but that doesn’t mean the fun will stop here. I will still keep putting my blocks together and giving my helpful tips and tricks. I hope to finish this quilt before the next charity quilt along starts, but we will see. 


This month’s block is the Darling Block. I love how the heart has a gingham look on one side. I made 4 quilt blocks because I have added and altered the pattern to make it larger. 

These items are ones that I use and believe in (if the exact item is no longer available I have tracked down a similar item). There are some affiliate links in this post. If you decide to click one and make a purchase I might receive a small commission based on the purchase. This supports my corner of the inter web which will keep this blog ad-free. Thank you! 

Tips and Tricks

My favorite tool for the stitch and flip corners is the diagonal seam tape from Cluck Cluck Sew. However with this block, unless you have a very large quilt bed you can’t use it for all of the stitch and flip corners. 


The Frixion pens are my favorite for drawing lines on the wrong side of my fabric. This has to be used for the larger stitch and flip corners for this heart block. 


The pressing directions for this block are great. As long as you follow the pressing instructions all your seams will nest and the block comes together easily. 

Darling Quilt Block

Bonus Blocks

For the larger stitch and flip squares, I draw a line a half inch away from the stitch and flip line. Lay this square on the heart block following the diagram. Make sure your second drawn line is on the side that will be trimmed away later. 


If you do this and sew all those extra lines you will end up with 10 bonus half-square triangles (HSTs) if you make all 5 listed in the pattern. In my case, I have 8 bonus HSTs. I trimmed my HSTs to 5 1/4” square. Just like in the previously trimmed blocks. I will give those directions below on how I trimmed my quilt blocks.

Buttercup Bonus Quilt Block

When I went to trim these down I wanted to be very intentional. You can just trim them any way you want. I just may be a little more particular. I lined up the smallest strip on the HST and made sure that the seam had the 1 1/4” line on it before I trimmed. Be careful of orientation if you do that because you will have strips running in two different directions. After trimming my blocks measured 5 1/4”.

Buttercup Bonus Quilt Block 2


This is a free pattern available from Fat Quarter Shop. This quilt a long was to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and South Texas. However, since this charity time has lapsed I have left a link below to donate nationally. 


Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along Patterns

If you would like to join in the quilt along you can find the patterns at Fat Quarter Shop. They have a quilt pattern and a cross-stitch pattern available. Click the link below to get the patterns.

I don’t know about you but when I am sewing I love listening to audiobooks. I know some people love podcasts or music they like to listen to while sewing. I love audiobooks! I was an avid reader before having kids. Now I have no time between kids and sewing.



I decided I could share my love of “reading” via audiobooks. So from now on, I will leave a book recommendation for the month on my blog post. If you love reading or listening to audiobooks as much as I do please leave me a comment telling me your favorite book. 

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