Quilted Lullabies

Memory Star Quilt Block – Summer Moon

The memory star quilt block is the hardest quilt block in the entire book. The combination of half-square triangles, flying geese, and all right next to each other make this a difficult quilt block.


You will need to refer to your Summer Moon quilt book for the majority of this Sew with Me series. The purpose of this series is to help make the quilt blocks easier to construct which I hope takes the intimidation out of creating this quilt.

Tips and Tricks

Like this entire book, I make the squares for the half-square triangles to be 1/8” larger. Trimming to perfection is easier than sewing to perfection. Acrylic rulers and the rotary make this all possible.


Pressing the half-square triangles and flying geese units open will help reduce bulk in your seams. This will allow your quilt block to come together more easily, especially with the smallest 5” block.

The most important thing to remember is to take your time. Quilting isn’t a race and the reason for quilting is to enjoy the process. This quilt block is harder but doesn’t need to be perfect. If a mistake is made understand that you will get better with practice. I am sure if you look closely enough at my blocks they aren’t perfect either and that is fine.


If you found this helpful please share this with a friend. If you don’t want to miss out on more quilting goodness please subscribe to the newsletter. I hope you are having a great day quilting.

Next Quilt Block Coming Soon...

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