Quilted Lullabies

Precious Quilt Block

Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along: Precious Quilt Block

The Precious quilt block is the last free block pattern for the Heartfelt Charity Quilt Along. Although it isn’t my final quilt block. I have one last quilt block to make.


Since this is my second to last quilt block I only need to make 4 of these quilt blocks. So I chose my favorites and switched around some of the fabric choices.

Precious Quilt Block

These items are ones that I use and believe in (if the exact item is no longer available I have tracked down a similar item). There are some affiliate links in this post. If you decide to click one and make a purchase I might receive a small commission based on the purchase. This supports my corner of the inter web which will keep this blog ad-free. Thank you!

Tips and Tricks

The small 1” squares can easily become misplaced so take care in keeping track of your fabric. I have also discovered a new quilting tool. Notion maybe? 


It’s called Acorn Precision Glue. This glue is used in place of pins. This glue is very helpful for small pieces of fabric. Perfect for the 1” squares listed in the pattern.

Just like in previous quilt blocks if you sew only one half of the heart blocks at a time. You will cause less confusion for yourself. 


This quilt block is more complicated because of the small pieces you are sewing. For this same reason, it will take you more time to complete this quilt block.

Bonus Blocks

If you followed the pattern given you can get 10 bonus HSTs blocks from the leftovers of the fabric A squares. Since I only made 4 I have 8 – 5 1/2” HSTs.


What you need to get this is when you draw a line on the wrong side of fabric A draw an additional line 1/2” from the drawn line.

Precious Quilt Block

Lay the fabric A square as shown in the pattern making sure the additional line you drew is on the side you will trim away later. Pin and sew on the line of fabric A


Now you will sew on the additional line you drew. Trim your extra away and now you have an HST already sewn. Yah Bonus!


If you haven’t already please consider making a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. These patterns are available because Fat Quarter Shop has made them available for free to help raise money for this organization.  Click the link below to make a donation directly to Make-A-Wish.


There is one last additional block to make, which will take a little tweaking to fit into this quilt. I am going to give full finishing instructions for my alterations along with my swap and alterations for the pieced backing.


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