Quilted Lullabies

Works In Progress 3

Getting Through the Works in Progress Mountain

Conquering the Mountain

Setting yourself up to finish the quilt and find what is stopping you. There are so many names for the unfinished quilt tops we have.

UFOs – Unfinished Objects

WIPs – Works In Progress

PIG – Project In Grocery bag

PHD – Projects Half Done

Works In Progress

So many ways to say that I have a list of quilt projects that were too beautiful not to have started. One thing or another stops us from finishing the project. Today, I will attempt to help you discover what might be preventing you from finishing that quit and offer solutions for what ails you.

Difficult Quilts

Cut up a quilt project wrong but didn’t realize it until you were ready to sew?

Realized you sewed the quilt block wrong but only after you were done chain piecing?

Didn’t buy enough fabric for your quilt top? 

Was about to quilt the top when you discovered that your child decided to help you a little too much?

You are quilting the quilt when you discover an actual hole in the quilt top?


I won’t say which of these scenarios I have experienced but you get the point. We all have had quilt projects fight us in some way or another. When this happens I have to walk away for the day.


After that, I have to remind myself…

Why am I making this quilt?

Who am I making this quilt for?

Will the quilt be appreciated?


One of those three questions usually gives me back the motivation to start the quilt again. The reminder that yes this project has been a bit of a pain but the finished quilt is worth it. If those answers are not enough you may consider passing on the project to someone who would enjoy the quilt project more.

Works In Progress 1

Dislike Quilt Technique

I love this pattern so much that I want to try it even though it has Y seams.

Curved piecing has always scared me but this pattern doesn’t look too bad at all.

Paper piecing is so accurate I want to try making a quilt with this FPP pattern.


I don’t know about you but I have never run into a quilter who has loved EVERYTHING about quilting. Like loved every technique, quilt step, and who just has to do it all themselves. 


So I want you to ask yourself. Is this project set aside because I don’t like the technique or pattern? If the answer is yes. Then you need to find a new owner for this quilt project. After you find that new owner. Don’t tackle a project like that again.


Not to say you won’t grow to like the technique or pattern later but allow yourself to say no to projects that drive you mad. It is okay to say yes to the projects that you do enjoy. After you have gathered more experience you may find coming back to it is more enjoyable.

Works In Progress 2

Longarm Services

Are you anxious about the cost of longarm quilting services? 

Have you always machine-quilted it yourself but this project is just too large for my domestic machine.


If you have never paid a longarm quilter because you’re concerned about the cost. You my quilt friend are missing out. I know so many quilters who are worried about the cost of longarm services. Yes, there are horror stories however this is a small minority of cases. 


All the longarm quilters I have worked with are very upfront about the cost of their service. Talk with them about what you can afford. They will let you know what they can offer you with the price range. They might also refer you to someone who can work within your budget. There is so much that a longarm quilter can offer you. You just have to find them.


Plus I can’t gush enough about what an amazing job they do. I rarely request a particular longarm design. The few times I have made a request I was disappointed with my choice. Now, I usually leave it up to my longarm quilter because they have a better eye for that sort of thing. 

Works In Progress 3

Life Happens

New baby on the way?

Parents need help so they are moving in?

Taking care of the grandkids a couple of times a week?


With certain events, you will just have to know that quilting is just going to have to take a pause.  Some events need to have your full attention and are wonderful to celebrate. Other events are way more stressful and require much of your time.


You are the only one to know the difference but my advice is the same in both cases. Still, try and fit in time to quilt. 


My life has been a bit hectic just before and certainly after our newest little bundle of joy arrived. So I can say with experience that you can do it. The best thing I found that helps is to just set a timer for 30 minutes a day. Now you can adjust the amount of time to fit you but just set a timer. 


It gave me the permission I needed to sew without feeling like I was neglecting my obligations to my family. I persisted in doing this because sewing/quilting is such a stress relief for me. I would come out of my quilt room so much more at ease and happier. 


Thanks to persistence even though life has been very busy I am close to finishing several projects. This is the benefit of giving yourself that time to sew even just 30 minutes. You have something in the end despite how busy your life has become. 


If you found this helpful share it with a friend. Let me know in the comments below if you have discovered what was stopping you from a quilt finish.

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