Quilted Lullabies

Friendship Star Quilt Block Summer Moon

Friendship Star Quilt Block – Summer Moon

The friendship star quilt block from the Summer Moon book isn’t what you would normally picture when you think of the friendship star block. Instead, it has 5 smaller blocks that are set on point. One in the center and four in each corner.

When I first saw this block I really worked to try and find a way to make this easier like I did with the previous Checkerboard Block.

Quilter's Note:

This effort is because I dislike the stitch and flip technique for all 4 corners of a quilt block. Just a personal thing that I am sure doesn’t bother anyone else but me. 

However, I couldn’t get around how to make this simpler. So constructing this quilt block as instructed in the book is the best way to sew this block together.

Handy Dandy Tools

My hands-down absolute favorite tool for the stitch and flip technique is the Diagonal Seam Tape by Cluck Cluck Sew. There are other tools similar to this on the market you can purchase but this particular product is my favorite.

Friendship Star Quilt Block

If you don’t have any of the tools listed above you will have to draw a diagonal line on the back of each fabric detailed in the book and sew on the line. Not a big deal but if you have one of these tools it will save you the time drawing on the back of your fabric.


Pressing arrows in the Summer Moon book will say to press to the side. This can cause your machine to get hung up on those bulky seams.


Pressing open allows you to match up those interactions more easily. Plus the little 5” quilt block will thank you for pressing open.

Friendship Star Quilt Block Seams

If you found this helpful please share this with a friend. If you would like to keep updated on all the tips and tricks for the Summer Moon book series consider subscribing to the newsletter below. Have a great day!

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